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Nakamura Travels 4800km to Document More Unclimbed Peaks

The east face of Jonlamapo (6605m), east of Jingling valley, Tibet. This unclimbed peak is one of dozens that Japanese explorer Tamotsu Nakamura photographed in October and November. [Photo] Tamotsu Nakamura

Japanese explorer Tamotsu Nakamura recently returned from another trip to the Nyainqentanglha East and Kangri Garpo West regions of Tibet, where he has been documenting unclimbed peaks and glaciers for nearly two decades.

Nakamura spent five weeks in October and November traveling 4800 kilometers south and west of Qamdo, the launching point for his expedition. The massive clockwise loop allowed him to access and photograph four untouched valleys: Dangchu in Kangri Garpo West, then three more to the northwest–Botoi Tsangpo, Niwu Qu and Jingling–in Nyainqentanglha East. Foreigners had not reconnoitered two of these valleys for nearly a century, Nakamura believes, and another valley was completely virgin to foreign eyes.

The photographed areas are virtually unknown to the outside world in part due to the Public Security Bureau’s strict measures, which keep foreigners from exploring off the main Sichuan-Tibet Highway, Nakamura said. With the help of a Tibetan guide, however, Nakamura was granted access to the regions he hoped to photograph.

See more unclimbed peaks and read more about Tamotsu Nakamura in the May 7, 2008 Feature.

Source: Tamotsu Nakamura

Nakamura’s Autumn 2009 expedition to the Nyainqentanglha East and Kangri Garpo West regions of Tibet. [Map] Tamotsu Nakamura

North face of an unnamed peak (ca. 5700m) near Lhari. [Photo] Tamotsu Nakamura

East face of an unnamed peak (ca. 5800m) as seen from Shargung La. [Photo] Tamotsu Nakamura

North face of Richen (5611m), north of Jingling. [Photo] Tamotsu Nakamura

West face of Dinpernalason (6135m), north of Bomi. [Photo] Tamotsu Nakamura