Does the sound of crunching leaves underfoot and a biting frost on your morning run have you itchin’ to break out the pointy hardware and sniff out some vertical ice? Nostalgic for your first time swinging a tool? Eager to enjoy some meditation time on your front points? Tell us about it.
We challenge you to put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, and share with us why you ice climb. What inner impulse, drive or desire has you consistently risking divorce and/or death during the winter months when all sane souls are ripping in two feet of fresh at the resort or mixing a stiff hot chocolate and enjoying a game of family Jenga. All entries must be received by November 20, and under 500 words, the writing wil be judged by the editors of Alpinist Magazine. Winners are announced on December 1 and will be featured in “High Camp,” and win a year subscription to Alpinist.
To submit your entry email bifwritingcontest@gmail.com
Good Luck and have fun at the Bozeman Ice Fest!