[Photo] Michael Kennedy
Since Hayden Kennedy and Jason Kruk climbed a “fair means” variation to the Compressor Route and then removed the bolts from its upper pitches the international climbing community has been awash in discussions of climbing ethics and etiquette. In what will most likely be Alpinist.com’s final post on this story we have gathered a collection of links to various Op-Ed’s, blog posts, threads and Letters to the Editor here. We will continue to update this page with new links rather than creating new NewsWires should this story continue to develop. – Keese Lane, Online Editor
An Impossible Mountain by Rolando Garibotti
A Word from Yvon Chouinard
A Letter from Douglas Tompkins
Taliban on Cerro Torre by Stefano Lovison
Cerro Torre by Mario Conti
Deviations from Reason by Kelly Cordes
The Removal of Maestri’s Bolt Ladders by Colin Haley
Cerro Torre Gets The Chop from National Geographic Adventure
A Letter from Sebasti?n De La Cruz
The Beauty, the Tribe and the Choppers by Lorenzo Castaldi
Leo Dickinson’s Thoughts On SuperTopo
Cerro Torre by Peter Beal
Kennedy and Kruk Release Statement Alpinist.com
Compressor Chopped Alpinist.com
Lama Frees Compressor Alpinist.com
Hayden Kennedy Interview/Podcast Part I Part II Enormocast
Letter To My Son – Michael Kennedy

Photo courtesy of Pete Tapely and Andrew Burr