Graham McDowel on Paradigm Shift (M8 WI5), Snake Mountain, Vermont. The first day of the fourth annual Alpinist/Smuggs Ice Bash will be held at this crag, followed by two days at Smuggler’s Notch, also in Vermont. Paradigm Shift represents some of the more extreme terrain accessible during the festival, which encourages climbers of all abilities–even those who have never climbed ice–to gather for a good time. Download this photo and more of Dave Vuono’s work in high res by visiting Alpinist Wallpaper. [Photo] Dave Vuono
Alpinist Magazine has announced its sponsorship of the fourth annual Alpinist/Smuggs Ice Bash in Smuggler’s Notch State Park, just outside the magazine’s new hometown, Jeffersonville, Vermont.
The three-day event later this month, January 29-31, welcomes ice climbers of all abilities to climb, demo gear, take clinics and meet other climbers. With more than 50 ice routes in Smuggs alone, plus Lake Willoughby, Bolton and more nearby, the Ice Bash is located in the heart of New England ice country. About a hundred climbers are expected to attend.
“This is a party first and foremost,” said organizer Bert Severin of Sunrise Adventure Sports. “But there’s a pretty mellow, grassroots feel to the event, where newcomers feel welcome, not intimidated. There’s a bunch of restaurants and bars if you want the scene, or you can hike off into the state park, pitch a tent, and escape–or, get a room with a hot-tub and relax.”
The event is free, including climbing, camping, a party on Friday night and a multimedia presentation, “Northern Revival,” by Matt McCormick on Saturday night. More than 15 vendors will be demoing and showing off gear free of charge over the weekend. Numerous clinics on Saturday and Sunday with local hardmen and hardwomen are available for a fee, as are private guides. Clinic preregistration is available at sunriseadventuresports.com or by calling 802-730-2978.
Learn more about the Alpinist/Smuggs Ice Bash by visiting smuggsicebash.com.

About a hundred climbers gather in Smuggler’s Notch every year for the Alpinist/Smuggs Ice Bash. [Photo] Bert Severin