Franco Nicolini and Diego Giovanni. Risk.ru reports that the pair climbed all eighty-two 4000m peaks in the Alps in two months, shattering the previous record of 102 days. [Photo] Courtesy of www.risk.ru
News Flash: The following news flash is a preliminary report posted as a service to our readers. Alpinist has not confirmed the veracity of its contents but will post a story in detail when more information becomes available. –Ed.
Risk.ru reports that Italian climbers Franco Nicolini and Diego Giovanni recently broke the “82×4000” record in the Alps, having climbed the range’s eighty-two peaks above 4000 meters–and therefore gaining the 90 kilometers of vertical–in only sixty days, June 25 to August 25, 2008. Franco and Diego traveled under their own power exclusively, using skis and bicycles when advantageous.
The previous record of 102 days was set by Miha Valic in the winter of 2006-07 (read more about Valic’s record-breaking journey in the April 16, 2007 NewsWire).
Please visit www.risk.ru for more on this story.