Being from Boulder, I understand the amount of spray that covers every surface in a 20-mile radius of that town, but it gets to be ridiculous when elite climbers get paid to write about how obsessed they are with climbing. In a town where more accomplished climbers work at Neptune Mountaineering than live in the entire state of New York, I understand that it’s easy to get Katie Brown and other talented climbers to write columns. But couldn’t they write about practical things like training or how to overcome obstacles in your climbing progress instead of how they think alpinists “commit inordinate amounts of time and money to be cold, scared and miserable for days and sometimes weeks on end,” or how they need to remember to bring “Tampons too. Always bring tampons. Oh, and which climbing shoes do I want to bring?” on their next climbing trip. I get it, you’re strong and have done some impressive climbing, now could you use your knowledge and experience to help commoners like me climb a little harder? Reduce the spray, Boulder certainly doesn’t need any more.