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Diary of Yosemite’s Climber Stewards: On Patrol

Up to 3,000-foot vertical walls, 5,000 routes, 1,200 square miles, 150-180 days of climbing per year and two (count them) two full-time Yosemite climbing rangers. In this installment of the Diary of Yosemite’s Climber Stewards, Climbing Ranger Ben Doyle gets paid to climb El Cap in a day.

The Lho La Tragedy: Beginning of the End

In 1989 an avalanche struck six Polish climbers descending from the West Ridge of Everest. Bernadette McDonald and Jerzy Porebski recount the disaster that ended the Golden Age of Polish Himalayan Climbing and the rescue that saved one man’s life. With illustrations by Ewa Labaj.

Bird’s Eye View

No climber has had a greater influence on American climbing than the Bird. The view from the top, forty years on.