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The Sunlit Ledge

A regular illustrator for our print magazine, Jamie Givens advises how to begin the monumental task of following your dreams. “Start with what you love,” he says. “Most people don’t realize that the knowledge they have about something that they are passionate about, the years spent memorizing information, physical skills developed, expertise, is all a marketable commodity.”

Trango BallNutz: Clean Climbing Technology, Surpassed

High on El Cap a few years ago, I found myself 30 feet runout with ledge-fall potential breathing up my neck. A small fissure too small for any micro cam yet too parallel for any stopper split open the granite in front of my face. Placements like this made me wish I’d brought a set of slider nuts, though the need I had for that specialized protection is a rare moment in my life as a climber.