Petzl Dartwin Crampons: Serious about Steep
In December I headed down to Ouray, Colorado’s Ice Park, to begin testing the Petzl Dartwin crampons. With all kinds of immediate climbing to be had, Ouray seemed the best place to determine effectiveness on everything from low-angle ice to crazy mixed testpieces…
Life on a Line
One athlete’s search for balance, and how walking the straight and narrow is catching on.
A Few Gutsy Throws
Fueled by Sparks, Bone Thugs and a half awake co-pilot, I made a silent promise to myself to not let the Yaris drop below 90 mph. Things were going smooth. Too smooth. About an hour out of Bakersfield and the car struck something which I can only describe as hard…
My Climbing Life: Dreaming of the Unscheduled Escape
I don’t feel like working today. That doesn’t change the fact that I have to work, and I will work, soon… but I am going to indulge in a self-indulgent blog post before I get cracking.
High Crimes, Chapter 11
The following story–an excerpt from the recently released nonfiction novel High Crimes–reveals the dark underbelly of high-altitude mountaineering: the loss of valuables, the loss of life.
There’s Hope for the Climbing Community
Thank goodness for proactive climbers.