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In Memoriam: Paul Dedi

Remembering Alpinist’s most acclaimed artist–Paul Dedi–the rare personality whose enthusiastic, witty, scrappy outlook instituted him as an offbeat bastion of the climbing and illustrating communities.

Parking Garage: Beyond the Limit

A spoof of the Discovery Channel Show, Everest: Beyond the Limit, created after an incident when the director realized he was more than a little out of breath after climbing only four flights of stairs to the top of a parking garage to fetch his car.

PMI Spire 10.2mm Rope: Dry to the Core

Several years ago I humped a 92-pound pack full of the cheapest, heaviest climbing gear in the world uphill for several days in Wyoming’s Wind River Range. We’re talking old school: full-gate oval biners on everything; 11mm ropes; old, rigid-stem Friends; big hexes; everything horrid you can imagine. I seriously debated purchasing either a large dog or a small burro for my next expedition.