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New Climbing Management Plan for Great Falls, VA

The National Park Service has released its Final General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement for Great Falls (VA) Park. The document is the culmination of a process that started in 2003, and contains specific rules for climbing at Great Falls. The document is available at…

Petzl Nomad 9.8mm Rope: The Workhorse

Petzl has a long history of developing quality and innovative products, and their new line of ropes is no exception. Aside from the bright green color, the Nomad immediately caught my attention out of the bag with a manufactured “ready for action” butterfly coil that required no painstaking uncoiling or restacking. Sweet! I hadn’t even tied in yet and the rope already won points with me.

Destination: Croatia

When contemplating a climbing trip from a US mountain town, several important factors come to mind: blue–even turquoise–water, cultural experiences and a European location where the dollar isn’t drowned by the Euro.