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Jenny Abegg

Mike jumps out of his 1992 Subaru Loyale to open the cattle gate marking the entrance to the dirt road; we slip in and let the minivan full of friends behind us latch it closed. Our ragtag caravan rallies toward Broken Tooth Wall, a cloud of dust marking our bumpy path. The guidebook lies open on the dash, red dirt bookmarking our objectives for the day, and later, our stories shared around the evening campfire. [Photo] Forest Woodward @forestwoodward @jabegg @hollandmike

#alpinistcommunityproject: Jenny Abegg and Forest Woodward

From November 6 to 12 Jenny Abegg and Forest Woodward shared work with the #alpinistcommunityproject. Abegg cut her teeth on granite splitters in the Pacific Northwest, and made her first trip to Indian Creek in the spring of 2012. Woodward, her partner-in-crime and man behind the lens for each photo in this series, has an penchant for both climbing and photographing the elegant sandstone splitters, and relishes the chance to do both at once.