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Tad McCrea

The smooth trigger action and the sticky-rubber like traction of the soft alloy lobes are just two components that make the Alien Revolution a great choice for mountain missions. Dave Allfrey and Luke Holloway plug and play a few ridges south of Mt. Whitney (Tumanguya), California. [Photo] Tad McCrea

Fixe Ultralight Alien Revolution cams: Otherworldly friends to have on your rack

Tad McCrea used the Fixe Ultralight Alien Revolution cams on 20 big routes in the Sierra Nevada Range this past summer and he was very happy with their light weight and performance, especially for the Double Sling design that allowed him to carry less gear for extending placements. He did not find any significant drawbacks to the latest version of this long beloved cam . Five stars

Tad McCrea storms the ice cream factory with the new Petzl Quark ice tools on Super Domo (WI5 M5/6, 500m), Cerro Domo Blanco, Patagonia. [Photo] Jon Griffin

Petzl Quark ice tools: An alpinist’s dream tool that handles it all

Alpinist Tad McCrea has been using the latest model of the Petzl Quark ice tools for the past year. As a longtime user of the earlier models, he reports that the tools continue to live up to his expectations. He writes, “If you already have a set of the last Quarks, maybe you don’t need to jump to an upgrade just yet, but if you want a set of axes that handle it all, and are in the market for an alpinist’s dream tool, look no further.” 4.5 stars.

The Patagonia Climbing Season is Coming

As the austral summer approaches, videographer and climber Tad McCrea reminisces about climbing seasons past and offers a bit of advice to climbers everywhere: “[S]cour the interwebs for cheap airfare, unearth your passports, patch your gear and pack your bags.”

Fortune Favors the Brave

National rowing champion at the University of Washington and world-traveling American Alpine Institute guide Tad McCrea takes us through a journey of his most recent climbing adventures in Alaska, Patagonia and various parts of North America.

Ham and Eggs

Last month and on the heels of unforgiving winter conditions, Dustin Byrne and Tad McCrea landed at the Mountain House in the Ruth Gorge. Prior to their arrival, temperatures had dropped below -30 degrees Fahrenheit. Deep snow and overhanging mushrooms stalled several team efforts to reach the top of the infamous Mooses Tooth massif.