Thank God Alain Robert Didn’t Wear Hand Jammies
Alain Robert solos the New York Times Building to raise global warming awareness. Thank God he didn’t wear Hand Jammies.
And the Winner Is…?
Get this: there is now a mountain climbing version of American Idol. It’s called “The Mountain Academy”. Pathetic.
Everest: At Least They’re Banking
With 260 people reaching the summit this season, can we really hold this summit in such high regard? Maybe it’s actually quantity over quality.
Julbo Race Sunglasses: Built for Speed
As part of Julbo’s Speed Series the Race is a great choice for high-speed activities such as skiing, biking, running and for windy mountain conditions.
Mountain Athlete: Weight Training for Climbing
Where you pay to hurt. An honest look at one man’s weight-driven, vomit-inducing, climbing-centric athletic program.
Determination: Bob Timmer
This is the story of my friend, ice climber Bob Timmer, who was not only diagnosed with one, but TWO inoperable malignant tumors.
Pavel “Don’t Forget The Kitchen Sink” Shabalin
Oh the horror of being alone here on the mountain! Oh the howling wind! The cold ice! The danger! Only fifteen other men to snuggle with!
Moroccan Honeymoon: A Photo Essay
Climbing is what defines each of our lives, and our life together. Adam and I met climbing. Our first date was climbing. Our first kiss was climbing. So, a climbing trip–but not just any climbing trip–was the only way we conceived of spending our honeymoon.
Nau Base2 Longsleeve Snap: Nau…But Not Forever
It’s the softest and nicest feeling base layer I’ve donned to date, has a subtle urban flair to it, and the more I found out about the company the more excited I became by what they described as their “business activism”.
Colin Haley: Young Alpinist on Fire
At 11 am on January 24, Rolando Garibotti and Colin Haley stood on the summit of Cerro Torre after linking all four of the Torre Group’s iconic spires in a single, alpine style traverse…After they’d completed the traverse, for many people, the story that emerged was less of a retrospective into the project than it…
Namaste and Warm Wishes From Nepal
The restrictions on touring as well as climbing in Tibet this Spring came as a shock to all of us.
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