Short Pitches Writing Contest Winner
In April, Alpinist launched its first online writing contest, Short Pitches. After receiving more than fifty entries, we had a tough job to do: pick one.
Steve Colligan, The British One-Wheel Wonder
Why, I wonder, would someone unicycle? Furthermore, why would someone ride down a 5.5 on a unicycle–a new sport called municycling?
Millet Peuterey 40: The Brawny Ski-Mountaineering Pack
The Millet Peuterey 40 is marketed as a “versatile summer/winter mountaineering pack for one-to-two day excursions,” but at 4.2 pounds, this little pack weighs in heavy for its limited capacity.
Luxury Liner
Follow Earl Wiggins, Ed Webster and Bryan Becker up the first ascent of the desert classic, Supercrack.