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Jamalots, Putty Nutz: Great April Fools Spoofs

In a strange bout of jubilation, maybe I should share a blog that isn’t mean. Just as I was starting to think that nothing climbing-related on the internet was funny, thanks to friends in the climbing industry who also happen to have far too much time on their hands, I was introduced to these…

Inspirations, Part IV: High Conquest

Royal Robbins shares his inspiration: High Conquest. “It’s basically a history of mountaineering, but its most salient point is that the ‘high conquest’ of the title is not truly getting to the top of the highest peaks; it’s the conquest of those weak and timid parts of ourselves we don’t want running the show.”

Facing Obsession

Follow Robert Jasper and Stefan Glowacz during their obsessive attempts to climb the the 1000-meter Forgotten Wall on Cerro Murallon in Patagonia.

Marmot Alpinist Pro Gloves: Warm and Dexterous for the Big-Thumbed

“Man, I wish my thumbs were bigger.” Testing these gloves is, unquestionably, the only time in my life I have uttered that phrase. The Marmot Alpinist Pro glove has, far and away, the largest thumb of any glove I’ve ever worn. I don’t know how to rectify this fact with the rest of my impressions of the glove, which were generally positive.