C.A.M.P. USA XLC390 Crampons
The C.A.M.P. USA XLC 390 is the lightest semi-rigid twelve-point crampon in the world.
Black Diamond Hotwire Carabiner
The smooth gate operation of the Hotwire continues to allow flawless clipping in all situations, and its full size permits easy handling with gloves.
Cloudveil Switchback Pants
The Switchback Pants from Cloudveil offer a complete balance of fit, function and fashion, as we transition into the warm summer days. So far, I have exclusively worn this pant on my motorcycle (KLR650), to the chiropractor and on the Grand. They are perfect for all three.
For years, I’ve had a rather simple idea in my head: to solo a big wall in the pitiless conditions of the Himalayan winter. Over the course of my travels in the Alps, ever since my first encounter with the Himalaya’s high summits, I’ve contemplated the possibility of such a project. In my approach to…
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